
Oct 2, 2015

The colorful hills, flat-topped mesas and sculptured buttes of the #PaintedDesert in #PetrifiedForest #NationalPark are primarily made up of river sediment deposited over 200 million years ago. Erosion has shaped intriguing landforms and the rocks reveal an enthralling chronicle of time that is unfolding and ever-changing. Protecting much of this unique landscape in #Arizona has been made possible through $15 million in funding from the Land and Water Conservation Fund. Established by Congress in 1965, the fund uses earning from offshore oil and gas leasing -- not taxpayer dollars -- to protect lands, waters and historic sites. It is a critical tool for preserving our nation’s natural beauty and cultural identity. For the first time in 50 years, Congress has allowed the fund to expire, putting my tool in jeopardy that is essential for ensuring that Americans have access to #parksforall. by usinterior

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